Operator of this website is
Dagmar Bober
59590 Geseke
Dagmar Bober is an independent sales partner of Team 111 GmbH and distributes Team 111 GmbH products on a part-time basis, in its own name and on its own account and is neither bound by instructions nor economically dependent on Team 111 GmbH.
Please send any returned goods exclusively to the following address:
Befeni by Team 111 GmbH
c/o GID Projects
Bockholtstr. 151
41460 Neuss
Please send any queries regarding orders exclusively to
Dagmar Bober
E-Mail: dagmar.bober@gmail.com
Telephone: 0176-58862009
Information according to § 5 TMG
Team 111 GmbH
Elbchaussee 453
22587 Hamburg
Telephone: +49 40 807905875
E-Mail: info@befeni.com
Register number: HRB 158141
Registration Court: Amtsgericht Hamburg
Represented by:
Julia Kubis, Daniel Kohtes
Sales tax identification number according to §27 a Sales Tax Act:
Platform of the EU Commission regarding online dispute resolution:
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.